
The world is sound; the universe, a rhythmic, vibratory process. Sound is context and signal. We are bathed in it always. Our ears and brains are very good at picking out just the parts we need – but what about the rest? I concern myself with the fabric of this ambient context, the fabric of our acoustic connection to our environment. I also concern myself with the texture and quality of the signal – the underlying communication buried in the obvious. Sound is physical force, and the ear an exquisitely fine pressure sensor. Of all the senses, hearing has the …


SHORT VERSION Mix takes place in Pro Tools. Video and Audio elements are required as follows: * XML or AAF are used to analyze edit, help with conforms, etc. Please get in touch should any questions arise. LONG VERSION 1) VIDEO REFERENCE 2) AAF SEQUENCE PREP AAF EXPORT SETTINGS OMF is also acceptible, though AAF is usually preferred. For OMF, use same settings as AAF. 3) XML An edit list enables us to analyze changes between versions, and can save time with reconforms and cutdowns. 4) OTHER MATERIALS Every project is unique, but here are some of the things we …